In this blog post you will learn
- Ruby’s Main Characteristics
- History and Folklore
- Famous Rubies
- Synthetic Rubies and Ruby Treatments

History and Folklore
Rubies have been known as a symbol of power, wealth, royalty, and protection. When worn as a talisman, ruby was believed to help protect warriors in battle. Even in The Wizard of Oz, Dorthy's ruby slippers were thought to protect her from evil. Moreover, Rubies are referenced 4 different times in the bible. The Bible associates these gems with beauty and wisdom. According to ancient folklore, the people of India believed rubies would help them be at peace with their enemies.
Famous Rubies
Sunrise Ruby - 25.59 carat Sunrise Ruby was sold for $30.42 million or $1.18 million/carat. Originally mined in Myanmar, its current name is derived from a poem of the same name, written by the 13th-century Sufi poet Rumi.
In 2011, an 8.24-carat ruby ring belonging to Elizabeth Taylor and made by Van Cleef & Arpels sold at auction for $4.2 million, with the price per carat amounting to approximately $500,000.
The "Hope Ruby" weighs 32.08 carats and it was sold for $6.74 million.
"The Black Prince's Ruby"
The center red stone is red spinel which assumed to be a ruby until scientists discovered it was a completely different gemstone in the late 18th century! One of the most famous examples of this mistaken identity is the “The Black Prince’s Ruby”, a 170-carat irregular spinel bead that has been in the British Royal Family’s possession since 1367.
Synthetic Rubies and Ruby Treatments
Just like emeralds, almost all rubies have some type of imperfection, which helps in identifying synthetic stones. Synthetic rubies can be identified by their lack of inclusions. Sometimes rubies are heated to enhance their color and durability.
The Bottom Line
If you are looking for a top-quality ruby, make sure what you are purchasing is certified by AGL, SSEF, Gubelin, GIA or another credible laboratory. You should look for “No indication of treatment”, “Unheated” and similar wordings. Treated rubies can also look very nice and be more affordable, so it’s entirely up to you!
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